Mountain⛰-Walk🏃‍♀️-Challenge durch Österreich

The Vienna Pink Dragons are following the great example started by #pink champagne BCS Team, UK and launched their own virtual walk through Austria visiting all nine states and climbing the highest peak in each one.
We have altered slightly the official list by the “Alpenverein” (some states are sharing a mountain) to make it a bit more interesting. We started counting the walking and climbing steps last week after our now regurlar pink zoom meeting💻💞. As the distance from our club to the highest hill here in Vienna with 542 m above sea level, the Hermannskogel, is only 14 km we managed already yesterday to reach the top. As many of us love walking we also reached yesterday the second stop, the Klosterwappen in Niederösterreich, the first challenging climb with 2076 m. We are already on our war up.

All good fun, no competition, just participating at our own capacity as each of us is facing their own personal challenges in Corona times. Trying to pull together as a team and hopefully keeping fit and connected that way in good spirits. 💗❤️💖

So these are our stops:
Start – WRKDonau, our Club

A. – Hermannskogel (Wien)
542 m

B. – Klosterwappen (Niederösterreich)
2076 m

C. – Geschriebenstein (Burgenland)
884 m

D. – Großer Priel (Oberösterreich) 2515 m

E. – Hoher Dachstein (Steiermark) 2995 m

F. – Wildspitze (Tirol)
3770 m

G. Piz Buin (Voralberg)

H. – Großvenediger (Salzburg) 3674m

Ziel – Großglockner (Kärnten)